School News

What is ARELLO certification?

- Jun 27, 2010      Archive

ARELLO stands for “The Association of Real Estate License Law Enforcement Officials” which set standards that online real estate license courses have to abide by.
With the acceptance of online education becoming more and more an important part of the real estate licensing process over the last twelve years or so, the real estate licensing regulators formed the ARELLO organization.
As a result, ARELLO and its standards have become a very important part of the real estate licensing education process.
As a real estate school owner, I have to say that this organization has been wonderful for both the educators and regulators. ARELLO gives the educators guidelines to work from to develop their online courses. Once a course is developed and ARELLO certified, a real estate school provider can then take the course and submit for approval in more than one state, a real plus for real estate course developers and real estate schools
More and more states are requiring ARELLO standards as a requirement for courses being approved for licensing. Even in states that do not require ARELLO course approval, the state regulators look at ARELLO certification as credible and it helps to be able to get a course approved.
I personally have found that the ARELLO certification process helps our school to create a better course for our students which is what this is all about in the first place.
The ARELLO certification process certainly has helped Cooke Real Estate School to continue to work toward the school’s goal, which is to have the best online course offerings in the real estate education profession.

Frank L. Cooke, Jr
Cooke Real Estate School